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Discovering Value In Growing Cities

Acquire Property
Tritent seeks to acquire and own properties in strategic North American locations. Historically as an investment, holding residential property has proven to be safe and lucrative business decision.
Tritent works with trusted and skilled contractors to improve the value of property in timely, cost-effective ways. Our mission is to increase rents, property value, and the overall beauty of the community in which the property resides.
Manage & Lease
Tritent leverages the years of experience on its executive team as well as a strong international network to provide viable property management solutions to the Company’s own holdings as well as other property holdings within our extended network.
Tritent uses proprietary real estate due diligence analytics to know when to pull the trigger and sell specific holdings. We understand that business is buying AND selling. When we are convinced that the best decision for corporate bottom line is to sell a piece of real estate, we will.

Company Vision

Tritent is a young, agile diversified capital manager with investment strategies focusing on the ownership, management, development, renovation, leasing, and reselling of residential real estate within prime North American markets.

Tritent’s focus regions are all experiencing dynamic growth and are defined by characteristics such as desirable school districts, high-quality retail options, major employment centers, and choice vacation destiations. Through our “Four and Four” investment philosophy, we endeavor to build value by securing four specific types of real estate located in four prime North American regions that attract high quality long-term renters.

  • The four types of real estate we deal in are single-family residential homes, multi-family residential dwellings, short-term vacation properties, and downtown residential condos.
  • Tritent’s four strategic North American locations include the extended DC metro area, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Ontario.